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Donate to Teen Challenge Today!

Your support is needed

Please provide your contact and payment information. The contact information is required to generate a tax receipt.

Centre to Support

Your gift will be used where needed most.

Donations meant for Teen Challenge British Columbia and/or Teen Challenge Central Canada centre need to be made directly on their websites.

Contact Information
This is a business donation

I would like to make this a recurring monthly payment. I authorize Teen Challenge to debit my Credit Card on the of each month.
Donation Information
Payment Information
$250 $150 $50 Other  
CC   I authorize Teen Challenge to debit my Credit Card in the amount selected to the left.


Spending of funds is confined to programs and
projects approved by Teen Challenge Canada.
Restricted contributions will be used as restricted
with the understanding that when the need for such
a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by
Teen Challenge Canada, remaining funds will be used where needed most. Tax receipts will be issued in accordance with the Canadian Revenue Agency.
Canadian Registered Charity #10806-6663-RR0001.

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